
Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

Tampa Food Challenge 2: Big Belly Burger Challenge

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsKGyXNwIdI] my friend corey and i foolishly take on the big belly burger challenge at big belly burgers. this consists of one pound of beef, one pound of toppings, and one pound of fries. that’s THREE POUNDS OF FOOD. watch us struggle. my review of big belly burgers can be read here. thanks goes out to scott lindsey for helping make this possible. [vodpod id=Video.5810725&w=425&h=350&fv=offsite%3Dtrue%26amp%3Blang%3Den-us%26amp%3Bflickr_notracking%3Dtrue%26amp%3Bflickr_target%3D_self%26amp%3Bnsid%3D33233883%40N05%26amp%3BtextV%3D66488%26amp%3Bispro%3D1%26amp%3B%26amp%3Bset_id%3D72157626191026027%26amp%3Bpage_show_back_url%3D%2Fphotos%2Frusteford%2Fsets%2F72157626191026027%2F%26amp%3Bpage_show_url%3D%2Fphotos%2Frusteford%2Fsets%2F72157626191026027%2Fshow%2F%26amp%3BminH%3D100%26amp%3BminW%3D100] 

Tampa Food Challenge 1: Buffalo Wild Wings Blazin’ Challenge

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPExlIhHgKk] this is the first entry in my new series of food challenges. watch in awe and fear as i take on the fiery blazin’ hot wings from buffalo wild wings. the sauce has been rated between 200,000 and 350,000 scoville units, or 70 times hotter than a jalapeño. you can read my review of buffalo wild wings here. and a HUGE thanks goes out to erik christenson for making.. Read More

how to end your life in an hour or less

while watching a marathon of MAN VS FOOD, my friend and i got totally pumped and started talking about doing our own food challenges in florida. so i went on the intarbutts and looked up a few challenges within driving distance. THIS website features a whole bunch of sweet sweet challenges, and we narrowed it down to a few. #3. the Quickie Titan Burger from Quickie’s Burgers and Wings this.. Read More