
Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

Smokey Bones’ Smoked Prime Rib

steak is the best. it’s pretty much the best dinner ever. you get a steak dinner, and you feel like you’re tearing into an animal. there’s something primal about it. empowering. a steak dinner makes you feel like a king. …but a prime rib dinner makes you feel like a god. i was given a so-very-kind invitation to come check out the new smoked prime rib dinner (¡¡¡LIMITED TIME ONLY!!!).. Read More

Lee Roy Selmon’s Restaurant

lee roy salmon… the man. the myth. the legend. he single-handedly took tampa bay and molded it into the lump of floridian half-pride that it is today. and then he died of a stroke. we honor his memory by eating the food he invented. in the year 2000, outback steakhouse had sex with lee roy, and they had a baby. that baby quickly grew into one of the 10 best.. Read More

Ribit’s BBQ

i recently moved to hyde park. hyde park! it’s hip. it’s cool. it’s like nice tampa. nice. and it’s filled with many small, fun, locally owned places to eat. perfect! it’s perfect. except for one thing… picture ©kkphotography DOUCHEBAGS! DOUCHEBAGS EVERYWHERE! yes, this is the curse of hyde park – scads of douchebags, drinking, dancing, and making out all over the place. howard in particular, what with its macdinton’s and.. Read More

Alex’s Southern Style Bar-B-Q

god bless you, america. you may not be the brightest, and maybe you’re a bit of a bully, but by god you sure know how to barb a cue. and i would venture to say that the south is the most guilty of all three accusations. the real south, not the florida south. so it’s a true blessing, an american miracle if you will, to have access to alabama style.. Read More

Hungry Harry’s Famous Bar-B-Que

hungry harry’s famous bar-b-que. this is some hardcore barbecue shit right here. this is the good stuff. real barbecue. hungry harry’s actually is famous in land o’ lakes, as the home of land o’ lakes’ best smoked barbecue. and the title is well earned; hungry harry’s has been around for 26 years, and they continue to do barbecue right. i went with a friend recently, and i’m ashamed to say.. Read More