Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

Five Star Pizza

ARE YOU READY FOR SOME SHITTY PIZZA?? welcome to college, idiot. population: everyone. are you ready to not have any money, and eat what is basically the taste equivalent of dirt? you’d better be. because every night, for the rest of your college career, this will be your dinner: wow! five stars? that’s a lot of stars! like, all of ’em, right? all the stars? listen. lemme level with you.. Read More

Cactus Cooler – the Official Soft Drink of the Staff of Cowboy’s Rest Christian Camp

okay i’m gonna tell you straight up – this is not a cactus drink. I KNOW! WHAT THE HELL? why would they do this to us? …jerks. the soda is called cactus cooler, allegedly named after fred flintstone’s favorite drink. no one on the internet can confirm this though, because no one who ever watched the flintstones can understand how to use a computer. the astute will have observed that.. Read More

Little Caesars HOT-N-READY® Pizza

while i get my vacation on in LA, here’s something to tide you over. this is a review i wrote in early 2007, on a personal blog (or as we called them back in those days, online journal). it is pretty much better than anything i’ve written since i started this blog. ENJOY! ah another day, another crisis. TODAY’S CRISIS: yes. pizza pizza. well, as it turns out, hot ‘n’.. Read More