
Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

Coconut M&M’s

okay, so right off the bat, i’m gonna say that i like this better than the pretzel m&m’s. those things were dumb. these… eh i wouldn’t say dumb. i think the concept has potential, but the execution was off by a little bit. that little bit is that there’s no actual coconut in these things at all. wtf?? why? i don’t know. those jerks. so they are pretty standard for.. Read More

Life Savers Butter Rum

ahh life savers. i guess maybe they could be considered a boring candy, but i enjoy them. they are like the classic hard candy! COME ON PEOPLE! classic. now, i enjoy whatever kind of lifesavers you throw at me, but i have a special place in my heart for butter rum. when i was a kid, we would go on many a family road trip. usually it ended in upstate.. Read More

Big League Chew

when you’re a kid, there’s nothing cooler than a big wad of chewing tobacco. no wait… that’s not right. i am sure that even then i thought chewing tobacco was disgusting. so selling candy masked as tobacco was never a really big selling point for me (candy cigarettes? no… thanks. now candy bongs…). in fact, thinking back, there were a lot of wacky gimmicks that candy companies used (and still.. Read More


many years ago (maybe three or four) i stumbled upon a strange and delicious new candy creation from wonka called “sweet tart rope”. i was already a fan of nerds rope, so i knew that candy in rope form could be successful, and i liked sweet tarts well enough, so i decided to pick up a pack. it was a miraculous, wacky candy concoction that had a red licorice outside,.. Read More

Sour Patch Extreme

i’m a pretty big fan of sour patch kids. i’ve been eating these things for as long as i can remember. they are, as far as i’m concerned, the base line by which to judge sour candy. that’s not to say that i find them to be the most sour of sour candies, just that they are my favorite. now, i am something of a purist when it comes to.. Read More