
Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

Snickers Dark

maybe i’m a little late to the party… snickers dark came out in 2007(!), but this is the first time i’ve had it. i guess that because i’m usually not into dark chocolate variations on classics (once i ate an entire dark chocolate scottish terrier… never looked at dark chocolate the same again). but i finally decided to give it a go. i kind of consider the traditional snickers bar.. Read More

Pretzel M&M’s

i am okay with m&m’s. just okay. regular m&m’s are easy to get sick of really quickly. peanut m&m’s are the best of the bunch, but only as a rare treat. any other m&m product is stupid. stupid meaning not good enough to buy (this may not be true about peanut butter m&m’s, but they just aren’t my thing). but i love chocolate covered pretzels! there’s just something about the.. Read More

Milky Way Simply Caramel

well i must say i was a bit surprised by this one. i like normal milky ways just fine. i like their midnight milky ways even better. but that’s mostly because there is a good combination of the nougat and the caramel. there’s always got to be the perfect balance in these chocolate bars. that’s why i like those mini reese’s best of all – the normal ones have too.. Read More

Airheads Xtremes Sweetly Sour Belts – Rainbow Berry

i likes me some sour candy. gummies and sour candies are often my favorite of all the candy types. maybe i’m partial to the wacky colors… i don’t know. but i do know that seeing something like airhead’s “XTREMES” sour belts in a convenience store automatically warrants a second glance, and usually a purchase. THE COLORS, DUKE! THE COLORS!!! the airheads xtreme line is nothing like their original airheads, and.. Read More

Twizzlers Sweet and Sour Filled Twists

okay, so in general, i’m not a big fan of twizzlers. i do not like black licorice, and their regular strawberry is merely tolerable, and pretty much anything else twizzler has made that i’ve purchased has to be eaten over the course of a week, because it’s so easy for me to get sick of that stuff (except twerpz… mm twerpz). but i am a big fan of things filled.. Read More