
Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

Wonka’s Fruit Marvels and Fruit Jellies

these nuggets of sugar are high-quality (or at least marketed so) candies, and they are quite unique. there are fruit marvels, and fruit jellies. i was recommended the marvels by margeaux, but they were right next to each other, so i had to grab them both. well, i’m glad i did. at least for trysies. the marvels are somewhat similar to gobstoppers coated in sugar on the outside, and jelly.. Read More

now with ZERO goodness in every bite!

on a trip to a DELIGHTFUL dollar store, i picked up one of these: a ZERO bar. my friend had thwarted my earlier attempts at buying one of these bad boys with horror stories from his past, but with him out of the picture, i was free try it out for myself. well… i was wrong to try it. i was very wrong. it sucked, quite a bit. the white.. Read More