Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

Taco Bell’s Chicken Enchilada Grilled Stuft Burrito

…i am a bitter, bitter man. bitter may be the best word to describe be. well, maybe hungry. but bitter is in there. like a mug of straight up black columbian coffee. or a 99% cacao dark chocolate. nose-scrunching bitter. so keep that in mind as you read this. TODAY i tried the chicken enchilada grilled stuft burrito from taco bell. yes. i love taco bell. we’ve been over that… Read More

Super Buffet

what a great name. i mean really – super buffet. that’s a good buffet. only beaten by mega buffet, which of course is beaten by ultra buffet. i guess the best would be “ultimate buffet”. could you imagine going there? ULTIMATE BUFFET. you would never need to go to a buffet again… oh shit. well, barring a trip to colorado, it looks like super buffet will have to do. which.. Read More

Hawkeye Pizza: A Second Chance

EVERYBODY LOVES A PIZZA. it’s because pizza is good. pizza is the best! it’s got to be my favorite food. before i became a food monster, i was a pizza guy. my friend and i had a list of the top hundred pizza places in the tampa bay area, and we slowly worked our way down the list, giving an A through F rating to each place, determined to find.. Read More

The Vet 2010 – The Black Swan

veterans day is my favorite holiday. it’s just the best. of course, i actively celebrate veterans day, unlike most people i know. unlike all people i know, actually, except one. in fact, my friend and i may be the only two people in the world who really celebrate veterans day. oh and before i get too much further, this has nothing to do with veterans. except maybe veterans of veterans.. Read More

Airhead Xtremes Sweetly Sour Belts – Lemonade Rush and Bluest Raspberry

it’s a sequel! my first sequel. a sequel to this: Airheads Xtremes Sweetly Sour Belts – Rainbow Berry. okay so i knew these other flavors existed, but i had never seen them. until today. well, actually, until last saturday. but whatever. i found them at, of all places, the manliest of truck stops, state road 52’s flying j. SO MANLY. i never like going to the flying j… there’s always.. Read More