Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

Taco Bell’s Doritos Locos Tacos

i must say, it’s been far too long since my last taco bell review. what a sad state of affairs!! i basically live at taco bell, sucking what little nutrients i can find from their many massive meat tubes behind the counter. the only problem being the inevitable dehydration from the constant diarrhea. ah well, such is life. such is love. today, we explore taco bell’s most neckbeardy creation to.. Read More

Trio’s gyro • pizza • burger

UPDATE: trio’s, sadly, has gone under. no more trio’s. * * * ah, the gyro • pizza • burger. did ever such a perfect beast exist? no. no! of course not. only in dreams. BUT. this place came close. because they INVENTED, for the first time ever, definitely, confirmed 100%, the pizza with gyro stuff on it. my god… what has science done? the place is called trio’s. i mean,.. Read More


THE SODAS OF SUBS-N-SUCH …regarding orangina – wtf? this thing… this thing is a mystery to me. it’s got so much going on. there’s a lot to sort through on this one. where to begin?? let’s start at the top. literally, the top. the cap. the first thing you’ll notice about orangina is that it’s in a badass glass bottle, necessitating a badass cap. they feature a twist-off cap on.. Read More

The Florida State Fair 2012

the title is to be read “twenty-twelve”. because that way it’s like this year’s florida state fair… TOOK PLACE IN THE FUTURE!! now that that important business is out of the way, i can begin. after last year’s state fair visit was such a rousing success, leaving me with many an erotic, food-entrenched memory, i decided it must become a tradition. so we went back this year, hoping to find.. Read More

Uncle Fat’s Tavern & Full Liquor

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yes. this is my kinda place. right? right. a tavern. and what exactly is meant, by “tavern”? tav·ern/ˈtavərn/ Noun: An establishment for the sale of beer and other drinks to be consumed on the premises, sometimes also serving food. See: redneck bar right. redneck bar. got it. thanks google! so pulling into this place, parking my volkswagen in a parking lot of pickup trucks, and taking out my camera.. Read More