
Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

S’more Off ‘010

for giftmas 2010, or, as my family calls it, “big present day”, we celebrated with the customary lighting of the ashen faggot (i know… i couldn’t resist… i’m so so sorry), and then we threw presents at each other. as our family tradition goes, the first to draw blood gets to open their presents first (the drawer, not the bleeder). i was, as usual, the bleeder, so i had to.. Read More

Trader Joe’s Goods

the always awesome foodette was kind enough to deliver me a package full of trader joe’s goodies, after seeing my enjoyment of trader joe’s mint chocolate creams and s’mashing s’mores. when i received the package, i was delighted to find an assortment of different snacks and condiments. holy schnikes!! that’s a lot of stuff. joe seemingly has his fingers in all sorts of things. dirty, dirty things. but mostly food-related.. Read More

Herr’s Pizza Flavored Potato Chips

i uh… i… what? potato chips? that taste like pizza?? WONDERS NEVER CEASE! perhaps there truly is a god. or is there?? of course, as with most things that should be great by sole merit of the individual parts involved, these pizza flavored chips are a colossal failure. so much so that after having eaten them, i was unable to leave my bed for two straight weeks (thus the lack.. Read More

La Mexicana Salsa

now THIS is some fresh salsa. dis ain’t none of dat lame-ass tostito bull. nah, dis is LA MEXICANA. la mexicana’s claim to fame is their freshness, and they make good on that claim [although, i don’t think it can really be called a claim to fame, because i sure as hell have never heard of them before]. i just saw it when shopping at publix, which was, in fact,.. Read More

Lay’s Honey Barbecue Potato Chips

okay, so i just checked lay’s website, and apparently they have a shit ton of different flavors (of which, honey barbecue is curiously not listed…). i had no idea! well good for them, i say. i enjoy a potato chip every now and then, and flavored chips i enjoy all the more. my favorite flavored potato chips of all time is ruffles now defunct “the works” chips, which attempted to.. Read More