
Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

Lee Roy Selmon’s Restaurant

lee roy salmon… the man. the myth. the legend. he single-handedly took tampa bay and molded it into the lump of floridian half-pride that it is today. and then he died of a stroke. we honor his memory by eating the food he invented. in the year 2000, outback steakhouse had sex with lee roy, and they had a baby. that baby quickly grew into one of the 10 best.. Read More

DDrinkz Smoothies & Sweeties

remember boba? REMEMBER BOBA?? remember that shit. it’s still good. and it’s still alive. people are still making new boba places! so the fad didn’t die way back in 2009. at least not at DDRINKZ. oh god the place is called ddrinkz. there’s a z in there. and am i… am i supposed to pronounce the d? “dee-drinks”? “d’drinks”? i don’t know. it was confusing. but i suppose it’s inconsequential… Read More

Burger 21 VIB Tasting Event

every once in a great while there will occur an event that blurs the line between the safe, warm glow of the internet, and the harsh cold that is “real life”. this is the all-too-true story of one such event. it was the burger 21 “very important blogger” event, in westchase on linebaugh. and they were all there… all the important bloggers: carlos eats, my other city by the bay,.. Read More

Ribit’s BBQ

i recently moved to hyde park. hyde park! it’s hip. it’s cool. it’s like nice tampa. nice. and it’s filled with many small, fun, locally owned places to eat. perfect! it’s perfect. except for one thing… picture ©kkphotography DOUCHEBAGS! DOUCHEBAGS EVERYWHERE! yes, this is the curse of hyde park – scads of douchebags, drinking, dancing, and making out all over the place. howard in particular, what with its macdinton’s and.. Read More

Tarek’s Cafe

okay. so you’re new to USF. i understand. you’re a little baby! and there are a whole bunch of you. a whole bunch of little, annoying babies, running around campus all hours of the day, enjoying your new-found freedom, drinking and having sex and sleeping through classes, thinking life is oh-so-wonderful, and generally ruining everything for anyone who has to come near the university for any reason at all. thanks.. Read More