
Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

Chicken McRib Flatbread Sandwich

remember that movie the perfect storm? there was this boat in the center of the ocean, and all of a sudden a hurricane, a tornado, a monsoon, a tsunami, an earthquake, and el niño all struck at once. everybody started puking and dying. yeah, that’s pretty much what this is here. get yo ass ready. recently, i noticed that taco bell was featuring their delightful chicken flatbread sandwiches at the.. Read More

Little Caesars HOT-N-READY® Pizza

while i get my vacation on in LA, here’s something to tide you over. this is a review i wrote in early 2007, on a personal blog (or as we called them back in those days, online journal). it is pretty much better than anything i’ve written since i started this blog. ENJOY! ah another day, another crisis. TODAY’S CRISIS: yes. pizza pizza. well, as it turns out, hot ‘n’.. Read More

Hawkeye Pizza: A Second Chance

EVERYBODY LOVES A PIZZA. it’s because pizza is good. pizza is the best! it’s got to be my favorite food. before i became a food monster, i was a pizza guy. my friend and i had a list of the top hundred pizza places in the tampa bay area, and we slowly worked our way down the list, giving an A through F rating to each place, determined to find.. Read More

Celebating America Since 1981

as you should all well know, today is a very important day for america. it is around this time of year that americans are called upon to do their great civic duty, to celebrate their freedom to choose. the masses turn out in great numbers to experience this most incredible and life-changing event. i speak, of course of the great american institution that is: THE MCRIB SANDWICH yes, the mcrib.. Read More

Pretzel M&M’s

i am okay with m&m’s. just okay. regular m&m’s are easy to get sick of really quickly. peanut m&m’s are the best of the bunch, but only as a rare treat. any other m&m product is stupid. stupid meaning not good enough to buy (this may not be true about peanut butter m&m’s, but they just aren’t my thing). but i love chocolate covered pretzels! there’s just something about the.. Read More