
Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

Taqueria Monterrey Mexican Grill

the taco bus had a baby, and they named it taqueria monterrey. actually, it had two of them. but let’s focus on the younger, more attractive one. so much more full of life. not yet weighed down by the harsh realities of life. and so very sexy. taqueria monterrey mexican grill is tucked into a small strip mall on fletcher, with a tattoo parlor on one side, and an abc.. Read More

Los Chico’s

THIS. IS. ZEPHYRHILLS!! after all these years of blogging… wait… maybe not years. after these many (few) months of blogging, it is with great great honor that i finally bring you a review from zephyrhills. yes, zephyrhills. it’s tampa-ish. and it’s close to home! i’ve lived near zephyrhills my whole life. occasionally wandered into it a couple of times, too! though that was on accident. anyway, zephyrhills is a totally.. Read More

Taco Bell’s Quad Steak Burrito

oh taco bell. you’ve been going through a lot lately. you’ve fallen on dark times. but you know what? i’m still there for you, baby. i’ll never leave your side. …never. i was totally STOKED OUT OF MY FEEBLE MIND when i heard that they were releasing the brand new quadrilateral steakums burrito! steak, in a tortilla. TIMES FOUR. or something. actually, ‘quad steak’ is a very strange name. what.. Read More

Taco Bell’s Chicken Enchilada Grilled Stuft Burrito

…i am a bitter, bitter man. bitter may be the best word to describe be. well, maybe hungry. but bitter is in there. like a mug of straight up black columbian coffee. or a 99% cacao dark chocolate. nose-scrunching bitter. so keep that in mind as you read this. TODAY i tried the chicken enchilada grilled stuft burrito from taco bell. yes. i love taco bell. we’ve been over that… Read More

California Tacos

WELL LOOKY HERE. it’s a little place called california tacos [WARNING: webpage contains shitty background midi and animated gifs. click at your own risk!]. it’s tacos. FROM CALIFORNIA! and there are surf boards! wonderful. wow and their phone number has taco in it, too. good for them! good for them. california tacos (to go) popped up a year ago? two years ago? three? i’m not sure. but relatively recently. it.. Read More