
Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

BGR The Burger Joint

so burgers, eh? burgers be BLOWIN UP! everywhere. all over the place. everybody seems to think that just because they use real beef rather than the dehydrated dog turds that many fast food restaurants rely on (an entirely fair and researched accusation), they are the burger champs. five guys? burger 21? delicious, delicious burger monger?? WHAT A BUNCH OF JERKS. i mean, come on guys, get with the program –.. Read More

Philly Phlava

  THE OTHER DAY, i was in the mood for something disgusting. you know how, every now and then, the mood will strike you to just devastate yourself, to abuse your body and show it who’s boss? that was what this was. to shake off all instinct for self preservation and do myself palpable harm, to rebel against this prison that is my body; to strike a victory for the.. Read More

Twinz Big City Hotdogs

UPDATE: TWINZ is re-opening at a MUCH better location, on fletcher and dale mabry. check it out! * * * so every week we have a movie night. it’s a group of friends who all come together, go to the theater, see a shitty movie, and then grab some food and discuss why we still go and see all these shitty movies. normally we end up going out somewhere dumb.. Read More

DDrinkz Smoothies & Sweeties

remember boba? REMEMBER BOBA?? remember that shit. it’s still good. and it’s still alive. people are still making new boba places! so the fad didn’t die way back in 2009. at least not at DDRINKZ. oh god the place is called ddrinkz. there’s a z in there. and am i… am i supposed to pronounce the d? “dee-drinks”? “d’drinks”? i don’t know. it was confusing. but i suppose it’s inconsequential… Read More

Bruno’s Pizza

UPDATE: my friend, carlos from carlos eats, sent me this devastating link: dirty dining: bruno’s pizza. turns out they were recently shut down for having too many roaches in the kitchen. not too surprised here. i had called them about their being shut down, and was told there had been a gas leak. well, it looks like in addition to being nasty beyond legal limits, they’re also liars. GO TEAM.. Read More