
Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

Little Greek

ever since my sweet baby athenos closed down, i’ve been hurting for some real ultimate gyros. sure, salem’s will do in a pinch, and acropolis does just fine (if you’re a fucking snob), but i want my middle of the road, delicious time gyros! GOD ATHENOS, WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME??! enter: little greek. i’m gonna just write it straight up – i’ve found my athenos replacement. really. that easy… Read More

Athenos Fresh and Delicious

it’s greek time, bitches. athenos. fresh and delicious. right off the bat, they’re trying to tempt and confuse you with their insistence in quality, and wacky characters (Σ? who’s ever heard of Σ??). and spirals… synonymous with hypnotism. coincidence? i dunno… you tell me. EAT AT ATHENOS. hmm. seems fishy to me. but, brainwashing and dark magicks aside, athenos is just your standard strip mall greek place, serving up a.. Read More

Byblos Cafe

despite evidence to the contrary, i sometimes enjoy food other than wings. i know! i know. blasphemy. but it’s true! every now and then, i will go someplace interesting, different even. and no, not just pizza! why, just last week i went to someplace exotic, with half-naked women dancing around for *entertainment purposes only*! … …… …………………… …no. i’m not gonna review a strip club. though i’m sure they have.. Read More

Acropolis Greek Taverna

this is acropolis, new tampa (in the same plaza as mr. dunderbak’s, on bruce b downs). now, maybe i’m not “hip” or “cool” enough to know this first hand, but i’m pretty sure that this place turns into a club of some sort at night. and they have hookah available, and sometimes even live music. they also have belly dancer. obviously this type of social interaction is beyond me, thus.. Read More

Gogos Greek Grill

Greek food kicks ass. Specifically, gyros kick ass. What is it about these bundles of strange mystery meats that is so good? The wacky yogurt sauce, the slowly rotating logs of meat, the phatty pita bread… everything about them contributes to their wonder. And it is that very wonder that I often seek out; luckily for me, the University area hosts quite a few different options for your Greek restaurant.. Read More