
Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

Steak ‘n Shake’s Wisconsin Buttery Burger

i love me some steak n’ shake. always. it’s one of my preferred hang outs. and these days, they are constantly changing or adding things to their menu. where they once stood strong as purveyors of steakburgers and milkshakes, chili, a few melts and the formidable turkey club, now they serve lots of stupid crap, like salads. and hot dogs(???). dumb. they also added a lot of different styles of.. Read More

Hamburger Mary’s

UPDATE: apparently hamburger mary’s has been temporarily shut down, due to too many rodent droppings. bahahahaha. * * * today i embarked on an ill-advised adventure, cramming myself full of well prepared beef patties and exceptional french [freedom] fries. well… i guess it could have been more insane, but still, it was a lot of meat for one day. the afternoon found me seeking out hangover recovery help from five.. Read More

how to end your life in an hour or less

while watching a marathon of MAN VS FOOD, my friend and i got totally pumped and started talking about doing our own food challenges in florida. so i went on the intarbutts and looked up a few challenges within driving distance. THIS website features a whole bunch of sweet sweet challenges, and we narrowed it down to a few. #3. the Quickie Titan Burger from Quickie’s Burgers and Wings this.. Read More