
Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

DDrinkz Smoothies & Sweeties

remember boba? REMEMBER BOBA?? remember that shit. it’s still good. and it’s still alive. people are still making new boba places! so the fad didn’t die way back in 2009. at least not at DDRINKZ. oh god the place is called ddrinkz. there’s a z in there. and am i… am i supposed to pronounce the d? “dee-drinks”? “d’drinks”? i don’t know. it was confusing. but i suppose it’s inconsequential… Read More

The Vet 2010 – The Black Swan

veterans day is my favorite holiday. it’s just the best. of course, i actively celebrate veterans day, unlike most people i know. unlike all people i know, actually, except one. in fact, my friend and i may be the only two people in the world who really celebrate veterans day. oh and before i get too much further, this has nothing to do with veterans. except maybe veterans of veterans.. Read More