
Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

White Chocolate Candy Corn M&Ms

okay, so if you’re anything like me, you’re just now realizing through a storm of facebook posts that TODAY is, in fact, the hallowed eve. that is to say, halloween. and that means one of two things: 1.) a bunch of disgusting children are going to be trespassing on your property this evening, dressed like FOOLS, or 2.) you’re ready to join them on the streets, “just passing” as young.. Read More

Coconut M&M’s

okay, so right off the bat, i’m gonna say that i like this better than the pretzel m&m’s. those things were dumb. these… eh i wouldn’t say dumb. i think the concept has potential, but the execution was off by a little bit. that little bit is that there’s no actual coconut in these things at all. wtf?? why? i don’t know. those jerks. so they are pretty standard for.. Read More

Pretzel M&M’s

i am okay with m&m’s. just okay. regular m&m’s are easy to get sick of really quickly. peanut m&m’s are the best of the bunch, but only as a rare treat. any other m&m product is stupid. stupid meaning not good enough to buy (this may not be true about peanut butter m&m’s, but they just aren’t my thing). but i love chocolate covered pretzels! there’s just something about the.. Read More