Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

Trader Joe’s Goods

the always awesome foodette was kind enough to deliver me a package full of trader joe’s goodies, after seeing my enjoyment of trader joe’s mint chocolate creams and s’mashing s’mores. when i received the package, i was delighted to find an assortment of different snacks and condiments. holy schnikes!! that’s a lot of stuff. joe seemingly has his fingers in all sorts of things. dirty, dirty things. but mostly food-related.. Read More

Xing Tea

i’ve started seeing cans of xing tea around town at different gas stations, hiding in small numbers among the plethora of arizona and even peace tea options. so i decided to finally pick one up, and i notice the price tag – $1.49!!! WHAT AN OUTRAGE! surely they jest! for sitting next to it is a can of arizona tea, for a mere 99ยข! this was at a CVS, so.. Read More