
Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

The Sweetie Apple

“GIMME A TASTE OF YO’ SWEETIE” yes, this is the clever marketing campaign of the new sweetie apple, brought to you by the fine folks at first fruits, makers of the excellent opal apple i reviewed earlier this year. or, at least it would be, if they chose me as their new PR dude/ad man (i’m right here guys, ready and waiting). here are a couple more potential advertisements right.. Read More

S’more Off ‘010

for giftmas 2010, or, as my family calls it, “big present day”, we celebrated with the customary lighting of the ashen faggot (i know… i couldn’t resist… i’m so so sorry), and then we threw presents at each other. as our family tradition goes, the first to draw blood gets to open their presents first (the drawer, not the bleeder). i was, as usual, the bleeder, so i had to.. Read More

Lay’s Honey Barbecue Potato Chips

okay, so i just checked lay’s website, and apparently they have a shit ton of different flavors (of which, honey barbecue is curiously not listed…). i had no idea! well good for them, i say. i enjoy a potato chip every now and then, and flavored chips i enjoy all the more. my favorite flavored potato chips of all time is ruffles now defunct “the works” chips, which attempted to.. Read More

Got Tea? Tea House

YOU NEED TO TRY BOBA. c’mon. do it. do it. DO IT. seriously, if you have not had boba tea yet, you need to go to a place that serves it (google it, or go HERE), and give it a try. it. is. amazing. boba tea is a taiwanese creation, intended to trick stupid kids into drinking healthy stuff. bwahahaha THOSE FOOLS!!! but it works on me, too. boba tea,.. Read More