
Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

Seasons 52 Fall Menu 2012

as the summer ends and we bury those loved ones we’ve lost to the intense florida heat, the leaves turn slightly less green, the temperature drops to a brisk 82 degrees, and stars enter their ominous autumnal positions. thus begins fall, and along with the seasonal change comes the change of menus at seasons 52. finally, we can embrace the cozy food stylings of pumpkins and apples, cinnamon and cinna.. Read More

Fleming’s Steakhouse Caipirinha Cooler and Tickled Pink Cocktails

after our delightful experience at sidebern’s, and having displayed the ability to control myself and behave like a rational, quasi-well-mannered person in public, i was extended yet another invitation to try out some alcohol. i, myself, was shocked at this, having assumed that last time i had caused a scene and burned sidebern’s to the ground in a drunken rage after drinking far too much (one drink). well, it turns.. Read More