this is the first entry in my new series of food challenges. watch in awe and fear as i take on the fiery blazin’ hot wings from buffalo wild wings. the sauce has been rated between 200,000 and 350,000 scoville units, or 70 times hotter than a jalapeño.
you can read my review of buffalo wild wings here.
and a HUGE thanks goes out to erik christenson for making this event as awesome as it was.
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I want that T-shirt. Not the one for winning – The Beets.
Tampa Bay Food Monster
yes… it may well be the best shirt i’ve ever worn.
and now you can wear it too:
Thanks for the link my man, now we just need to find a party and coordinate outfits.
Tampa Bay Food Monster
we are gonna look awesome.
Buffalo Wild Wings « Tampa Bay Food Monster
[…] they have a food challenge. LEMME HIT DAT […]