
Tampa Bay Food Monster

...eating food since 1985.

Red Rock Premium Fruit Punch

THE SODAS OF SUBS-N-SUCH what is this shit? fruit punch?? that soda’s not brown. that’s a kid’s drink. FOR KIDS. only babies drink fruit punch. …i stand corrected. somehow i forgot that the most violent mascot in marketing history loves fruit punch. this guy can’t get enough of it! and i have a feeling that if you talked any shit about fruit punch, he’d let you know how he feels.. Read More

Guest Review: Ruby Tuesday VeeV Cocktails

Even from my miraculous birth, my name has been synonymous with alcohol. I share the same name as a very expensive bottle of wine; my mother used to drink a glass of wine before she nursed me in the evenings to help me fall asleep, and my first official postnatal drink was champagne dipped strawberries with Robert Goulet at the Tampa Yacht Club. By the time I was five, I.. Read More

Freeze & Shake Cocktails: Myer’s Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri

Vodka & Lemonade | Piña Colada | Strawberry Daiquiri | Mudslide i was recently asked to review the new freeze & shake cocktails, from the makers of smirnoff, captain morgan, baileys, and guinness (just to name a few brands). i will review all of the freeze and shake frozen cocktails over the course of this four part series, and, in doing so, i will get trashed. the third frozen cocktail.. Read More


THE SODAS OF SUBS-N-SUCH cheerwine. has a more glorious drink ever existed? experts say no. will a more glorious drink ever exist? fortune tellers say no. cheerwine has long represented for me something more than just a mere soda… opening a cheerwine usually accompanied liberation from the boundaries of florida on a family trip, entering new, better states, whose gas stations offered new, better sodas. cheerwine is only widely available.. Read More

Bulldog Root Beer

THE SODAS OF SUBS-N-SUCH bulldog root beer. what a manly sounding drink. bull dogs are the most manly dogs ever, and root beer is probably the most manly soda possible. put them together, and you’ve got a combination bound to call you “bro” and then slap your back really hard in a friendly way but it actually just hurts so why did you do that? both the bottle and the.. Read More